Improve your Japanese, gain self-confidence, and enjoy a richer experience raising your child

Welcome to Japan!
pordo offers fun Japanese lessons for both
children and parents. Lessons are taught online using a unique
workbook that enables us to create lessons suited to each
student's learning needs.
pordo lessons will help you and your child grasp the basics of
Japanese. Many parents tell us that learning to speak Japanese
makes the experience of raising kids in Japan much more enjoyable.
Our mission is to support families who want to get
the most out of their time in Japan.

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What are the key
of the
KODOMOTO workbook?

  • 01

    Lesson topics based
    on common scenarios
    from everyday life

    Each topic looks at a situation you are likely to come across while raising children in Japan.
    Many parents tell us they have experienced feelings of disappointment, frustration, or awkwardness due to not being able to speak Japanese.

  • 02

    Retention improved
    by using role-play
    activities to reinforce

    At the end of each lesson, you will do a role-play activity to practice the phrases you have just learned. By practicing what to say in various real-life situations, you will be better prepared to deal these situations when confronted with them. Once you gain confidence, you will start to enjoy speaking in Japanese.

  • 03

    The workbook promotes
    lesson personalization,
    with space provided for
    writing notes, comments,

    A space is provided for writing down useful phrases related to any topic you choose. It could be something general, such as you or your family member's interests, or something more specific like phrases for explaining about your child's allergies. By fully utilizing this space, you can create a personalized workbook that greatly supports your life in Japan.

Combining the workbook
with the
online lessons
will help you to
the best results.

pordo offers fun lessons uniquely targeted at parents and children.
Only pordo lessons are created from a mother's perspective and focus on teaching useful phrases for mothers raising children in Japan.
By combining the pordo workbook together with our online lessons, you will quickly gain the confidence to speak about a range of everyday topics.

  • 01

    Lessons tailored
    to your needs

    Students tell us they love pordo lessons because lesson content and speed is customized to suit their specific needs.

  • 02

    Highly qualified

    Our professional teachers have a wealth of teaching experience and will support you every step of the way. We'll have you speaking Japanese with confidence in no time!

  • 03

    Our teachers are
    parents with young
    children, just like you!

    pordo teachers and staff are mothers raising their own young children. pordo lessons are a great chance to practice 'parenting talk' in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

Teacher Introduction

Wada Hitona

I have been a teacher for 20 years. Over the years, I have taught Japanese to people of all nationalities and from a diverse range of backgrounds, including housewives, technical interns, trainees, ALTs, foreign language teachers, businessmen, elementary school students, high school students, and international students. Currently, I am working as a part-time teacher at Kwassui Women's University, where I teach Japanese to international students.
I am a momther of two young children (a boy and a girl, both in elementary school).

pordo online lessons focus on themes related to parenting and are very popular with parents from all over the world. Students tell us they love our lessons because they learn useful, relevant phrases, and the lesson content is customized to their specific needs. Learning Japanese using the unique pordo workbook is both stimulating and fun.
Why don't you give it a try!

Call me “Tona.”

from students

  • I found today's session good. It forced me to remember the sentences through repetition. I liked that it was in a conversation format that can be used in everyday life.

  • I really appreciate learning sentence patterns for real situations I’m in. The worksheet illustrations are cute and help me picture myself in the situations for better practice. The flow of the lesson was really logical and each phase built on the previous one. By the end of the lesson, I felt more confident in talking to other moms in Japanese. Tona sensei is so nice and she teaches in a genuine and friendly way.

  • The pordo Workbook is helpful for practicing particular real-life scenarios in which you may find yourself. While my Japanese reading and writing has been improving, my listening and speaking skills (which I actually need more for everyday interactions) require a lot more work. I found using this 'workbook' with Tona-sensei to be very useful in guiding the practice conversations. However, I did find myself trying to cheat and read the sample sentences when they were in view instead of learning the phrases naturally. That said, with all the repetition and variations of using the sentence structures, I did actually remember them long enough to try them with some mama-tomos the next day.

Frequently asked

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  • Workbook + Online lessons

  • Workbook only

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