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Testimonials from individuals who have taken Japanese language lessons

  • I really appreciate learning sentence patterns for real situations I’m in. The worksheet illustrations are cute and help me picture myself in the situations for better practice. The flow of the lesson was really logical and each phase built on the previous one. By the end of the lesson, I felt more confident in talking to other moms in Japanese. Tona sensei is so nice and she teaches in a genuine and friendly way.

  • I found today’s session good. It forced me to remember the sentences through repetition. I liked that it was in a conversation format that can be used in everyday life.

  • The pordo Workbook is helpful for practicing particular real-life scenarios in which you may find yourself. While my Japanese reading and writing has been improving, my listening and speaking skills (which I actually need more for everyday interactions) require a lot more work. I found using this ‘workbook’ with Tona-sensei to be very useful in guiding the practice conversations. However, I did find myself trying to cheat and read the sample sentences when they were in view instead of learning the phrases naturally. That said, with all the repetition and variations of using the sentence structures, I did actually remember them long enough to try them with some mama-tomos the next day.

Japanese language support service

Japanese language support service